Surprising Places to Meet Your Soulmate

Surprising Places to Meet Your Soulmate

Meeting ‘the one’ is not as easy as Hollywood movies would have us believe. Just because the movie stars make it look easy and always seem to meet each other in idyllic locations, we all know that there is a lot more to it in real life. So, if you are having trouble finding ‘the one’, here is a quick guide to some of the more surprising places you should look.


Wines and Spirits Aisle

Supermarkets are a top place to meet potential suiters. The problem is, we don’t always pay attention to other shoppers because we are too busy eyeing up bargains. Next time you go shopping, take your time perusing your fellow shoppers. If you spot someone attractive and their trolley contains plenty of meals for one, a nice bottle of red wine, and a DVD, this person is definitely single, so make conversation and see if there is a spark there.

Long Haul Flight

Long-haul flights can be murder, especially if you end up sitting next to a really annoying person. However, what you need to think about is that your seat companion is essentially a captive audience. Make the most of your time together. If you fancy them, start a conversation, if only to moan about the food. With a bit of luck, but the time you land at your destination, you will have their number.

In the Park

Take a walk in the park on a sunny day and see how many hot people have the same idea. Walking a dog is preferable because it is a great ice breaker, but if you don’t own a dog, borrow someone else’s pet. Every time you pass a potential suiter, smile and invite conversation. People love to talk about their dogs, so it won’t be difficult to get the conversation going. If there is a spark there, you can make a date for a dog walk together and get to know each other better.

Online Gaming

Online gaming can be a solitary activity, but there is plenty of scope for making friends and potentially meeting your soul mate if you are feeling lonely. Many online games such as World of Warcraft and Sun Bingo include a social element, so players can chat via the gaming interface. Did you know there has even been a Sun Bingo baby? Baby Reece was born to Samantha Phillips and Karl Whetton who met on the site. Make the most of these opportunities and start a conversation with your fellow gamers. You never know, one of them might turn out to be your soulmate.

Adult Education

Adult education classes are a great way to learn new skills and make new friends. They are also an excellent way of meeting potential partners. You can sign up for accounting, car mechanics for beginners, life drawing, an introduction to website building, or even Mandarin Chinese. Since you both have an interest in common, you immediately have something to chat about. Obviously you should make sure the person you like is single, but if they aren’t wearing a ring, it’s a good sign. So start chatting – what have you got to lose?

On a Fun Run

Exercise releases endorphins, which is why athletes always look so happy when they finish a major sporting event. Yes, they are probably hurting, but the exhilaration of their achievement is enough to block the pain receptors. Endorphins are nature’s happy hormones, so sign up for a fun run and get your fix. Running in company is more fun than running alone, and on a fun run you have your pick of running companions. You never know, you might end up crossing the finish line with your soulmate!

Scene of an Accident

Being involved in a car accident is no fun at all, especially if you are seriously injured. However, it is not unheard of for two people to meet and fall in love at the scene of a minor collision. This is not to say you should actively go looking for hot people and ram their vehicle in the local supermarket car park, as a means of introducing yourself, but be nice and you never know sparks may fly as you exchange insurance details!

Always be open to meeting your soulmate anytime, anywhere. Cupid’s arrow can strike at any time!

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